Tag Archives: photographer

I see you.

oy! I feel as if lately I am behind on blogging. I have been shooting so much and with a cross country move from North Carolina to California and … I just arrived. So I promise loves, I will beView full post »

Adopt me!

I went and photographed some dogs on Saturday. They are with Brother Wolf Animal Rescue and are currently being fostered. They are so sweet! The hound Boone loved to tell me all about his morning andView full post »

Sunday Adventures.

Today was a gorgeous spring day. Wind blowing, sun out and the world unfurling taking in the magic of the day. We went to the Altamont Brewery who was hosting a fundraiser for Brother Wolf AnimalView full post »

Happy Holiday!

We are so grateful for all the support the last few months! I am working on shifting some things on the site and for the business that should be very exciting and can’t wait to share it withView full post »